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'Bad' Knees and Squat Assessments

Most of us have physical limitations. The Mayo Clinic, surveyed 144,000 patients in 2013 to assess the reason they had visited a doctor. According to their research, 2 of the top 3 reasons patients were going to see their doctor are related to arthritic joint pain and lower back pain.

Aug 29, 2018

Most of us have physical limitations. The Mayo Clinic, surveyed 144,000 patients in 2013 to assess the reason they had visited a doctor. According to their research, 2 of the top 3 reasons patients were going to see their doctor are related to arthritic joint pain and lower back pain.   Limitations create self-doubt and therefore a lack of fitness participation.

Exercise and your mental model of fitness can co-create a relationship with physical limitations, positive and negative ones.

Finding a healthy fitness relationship when you have limitation starts by asking better questions that will compile better feedback and data.  The results can be empowering and tools for future fitness quests. In my world, this type of progress has no sign of slowing down.

Data driven fitness is a key for a self-improvement mindset. In this episode follow Jenn’s fitness journey as she describes how she squats deep, coaches athletes, and exercises without pain despite having torn ligaments and arthritis in her knees.

Assessing high risk movement is an upgrade from not taking action on your fitness goals.  The body and nervous system are built for movement, enhancing movement will enhance the body!

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • That structural limitations and joint disease should not define your exercise solely.
  • Finding and using assessments is worth the money and time.  Following Dr Google and waning exercise efforts with assumptions is a waste of time.
  • How I use a specific tool for measuring the functionality of my knee, which includes some high risk movements

Featured on the show:

The assessment tool: dorsaVi

Facebook live feed of assessment

Blog: Here is some evidence that my movement and knee safety increased over a period of time (July 12 - August 24) and my workout breakdown