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Injury Prevention - What Really Matters

Injury Prevention - What Really Matters

Fitness has been reframed for us.  Today's episode is about balancing your beliefs about your fitness journey with what is important for health.

Here are the 6 fundamentals of injury prevention while boosting the accuracy of your workouts:

1. Develop your intuition and knowledge about exercise

2. Perfect the warm-up process

3. Know what you're capable of and the opportunity costs

4. Spark recovery and care for the Nervous System

5. Match your nutrition to your workout goals

6. Aspire to live a life of physical self-sufficiency

Links of interest:

Support the show by drinking Ruvi, all fruits and veggies with no additives or sugar. Purchase here:

Check out this podcast episode if you want to meet a true professional in nutrition and functional sports nutrition on the Nervous System care Learn about developing skills and knowledge


Learn how to perfect the warm-up process

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