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Isometric Exercise & Youth Sports Culture

Welcome to Exercise Science Insider #4 with Rob DiDinato, whom is my classmate and colleague in the elite MATRx program.

We discuss some problems in youth sports: burn out, injuries and not allowing them to be students of the game.

We share ideas on how to go beyond band-aids for athletic injuries and actually provide an opportunity to develop athletic excellence.  

The theme of this episode is ‘Less is more’.  This especially comes through when the conversation moves to Isometric Exercise around 27 minutes.  

Please enjoy and let us know if you have any questions or are interested to learn more about Isometric Exercise.

Links of interest:

Jenn on instagram@impact_your_fitness

Rob on instagram



ACL injuries are on the rise

Fifa 11+ warm-up program to prevent injury in field sports

Isophit machine