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Morgan Williams: The 5 things we would do differently

Any true fitness professional will tell you that trends appear with little to no outside validation or scientific thought process.  Jenn and her guest Morgan Williams discuss their 2 decades of experience as fitness professionals. They sift through the different areas of exercise application, the trials of being fit , maintaining healthy joints and exploring their competitive nature as female athletes.

The bottom line is, if you have a belief in your ability to improve your body with exercise - you don’t have to rely on diluted and shallow information to guide you along the way. This episode pulls the curtain back on changes throughout their careers and how they continue to strive to be the best for their clients.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How Jenn and Morgan have changed their approach to helping people with previous injuries get fit and stay fit.
  • Mistakes they’ve made with our business, clients and within our own exercise.
  • The insight on changing trends from a Muscle Activation Techniques Specialist (Jenn since 2011) and a Muscle Activation Techniques student.

Links of interest:

Dr. Hyman

The most delicious and unique chocolate bar!

Bar of Chocolates

Dr Rhonda Patrick on sauna use and improved athletic performance.  Sauna use has been shown to improve athletic performance without exercise interventions.


Range by David Epstein- poorly written but amazing content!

SpectraCell Micronutrient test (the test Jenn uses for herself and clients)

Lab test link

Synergy Float Center in Alexandria VA

Book your first float!

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