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Quarantine and Chill with Ryan Crossfield

Quarantine and Chill with Ryan Crossfield

Quarantine and Chill with Ryan Crossfield!  Meet Jenn's new friend, LA based coach Ryan Crossfield.  He is an introverted Health & Performance Coach with a lot of experience optimizing health and body composition.  

This is essentially a conversation between two exercise professionals that are not seeing clients due to the pandemic shutdown and social distancing.  It should be obvious that both Jenn and Ryan enjoy optimizing their health and live the healthy life.

We are reviewing Ryan's Quarantine and Chill guide, which can be found here.

"With social-distancing in full swing, it may seem like options for improving your health are down to Quarantine and Chill, or participating in the scourge of bodyweight workouts that are woefully ineffective at promoting long-term results. Instead let's look at some options that can be completed within the isolation of your own home!”

We touch on so many things like Joe Rogan, kettlebells, toilet paper, sugar, sleep, stress, digestion, the nervous system, organ meats, micro-dosing and of course ‘Game Changers'.

Check out Ryan here:

Jenn’s short podcast on immunity

Check out Ruvi, fruit and vegetable drinks

Things we mentioned in the podcast:

High Intensity Health

Charles Poliquin

Dr. Satchidananda Panda with Dr Rhonda Patrick

Michael Pollen’s booksOmnivores Dilemma

How to Change Your Mind

John Meadows Lugavere

Dr. Zach Bush's digestion product

Joe Rogan’s debate on Game Changers