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The Fine Print 1, Santana et. al.

The Fine Print 1, Santana et. al.

Fitness for Consumption ep. 7

Research, research everywhere, but no one stops to think!

We’re intent on applying evidence-based methods, as we should, but does the evidence in a research study, or an interpretation of a study, always stand up to scrutiny?

Will you simply accept what you read without question, or will you join us on a journey of wisdom through The Fine Print? Join our study club!

Send us a message on Instagram, @Fitnessforconsumption, and let us know what study you would like us to cover and you might just join us on the episode!

Topics discussed in this episode:

A kinetic and electromyographic comparison of the standing cable press and bench press (citation below)

Dr. J describes the different sections of a research study

The purpose of methodology; providing a means of objectively answering a research question, without directly determining the outcome

“Ideal mechanical position”

What is an MVIC and why is it used?

EMG data relevance Thoughts on results between the two conditions

Future directions this type of study could take


Abstract - A summary of a research paper that explains the hypothesis, methods, results and conclusions of the study

Hypothesis - A statement by the investigators of the study of what the study will demonstrate at the conclusion

Methods - A detailed explanation about the subjects, the tasks they performed, specific laboratory equipment used to collect data, investigative procedures and statistical analyses

Results - A tabular, and sometimes graphical, presentation of the research findings

Conclusion/Discussion - The investigators’ interpretation of their data, often editorialized, providing insights into how the data relate to their research question

Torque - A force whose tendency is to cause rotation

Axis of rotation - A point around which an object rotates

Predictive Biomechanical Model - An applied model used to predict the forces acting on a structure

Find the The Predictive Biomechanical Model here

References Duffey, M. and Challis, J. (2011). Vertical and lateral forces applied to the bar during the bench press in novice lifters.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25(9): 2442-2447.

Santana, J.C, Vera-Garcia, F.J., McGill, S. (2007).

A kinetic and electromyographic comparison of the standing cable press and the bench press. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

21(4): 1271–1279

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