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The First Rule of Spending Money Wisely in the Fitness Market

The goal of Think Fit. Be Fit. Podcast is to educate our listeners so that they are in control of their health because of smart decisions about their fitness investments. Let Jenn help you navigate inside an industry full of lies.

Nov 21, 2018

Over the past decade the fitness industry has become a $27 billion dollar industry.  Within that there are many low to moderate priced options as well as higher end products.  This means there is a lot of opportunity to grow as well as waste money on ill-advised products and services.  Going from fringe to mainstream in 20 years makes for a lot of self-validating used car salesman, one can become a fitness expert with almost no training and an instagram account.  The goal of Think Fit. Be Fit. Podcast is to educate our listeners so that they are in control of their health because of smart decisions about their fitness investments.  Let Jenn help you navigate inside an industry full of lies.

What's the difference between overpaying for personal trainers and taking part of a process of self-mastery that will reveal your best body?  This isn’t a trick question, it’s simply asking better questions about your process and about your body, anatomy, physiology.  We believe in empowering our clients and listeners with education about their body. We can evolve together and you can answer the age-old questions, why does this work? what doesn't work? Be rationale and smart about your fitness and choices in body care!

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • What Jenn is obsessed with as a student of the body

  • 5 point strategy for asking better questions of your fitness journey

  • The trap of knowing ’stuff’ is detrimental to the process of health improvement

  • You’ve been consuming fast food fitness for too long

  • How to invest your time and money wisely in exercise choices

Links of interest

  • This podcast that Rachel and Jenn discussed process, episode13

  • YouTube-Why you need education about the muscle system if you have pain or injury

  • DorsaVi assessments in the Washington DC area,

  • Email to be on our list for Jenn’s Daily Movement Practice,

  • Neuro-Logic training with Jacques Taylor-Newell, class description