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The Updated Way to Understand Pain with Jen DeLorenzo, PT

The Updated Way to Understand Pain with Jen DeLorenzo, PT

Today’s episode is a really important one.  It covers a topic that affects someone you know or perhaps even you and it’s definitely something we are trying to avoid, which is chronic pain.   Here are some statistics:

  • 50 million Americans live with chronic pain
  • Between $500 and 630 BILLION is lost annually due to chronic pain in  America
  • Patients experience persistent pain after routine surgery up to 50% of the time.
  • 18% of women suffer from migraine attacks.
  • Back pain is the leading reason for sick leave and early retirement in Europe.
  • Back pain represents 27% of all types of pain.
  • 34.6% of pain patients in Canada think of suicide.
  • In N America pain accounts for 78% of all ER visits.

Meet Jen DeLorenzo a Licensed Physical Therapist, Certified Functional Manual Therapist, Therapeutic Pain Specialist, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.  She is based in Alexandria Virginia and aligned with Jenn's in-person practice. Topics discussed

  • A new way of working with Physical Therapy
  • Pain as an experience, there’s so much more to pain than our biology
  • How the environment that we are in can influence pain
  • The 4 main pillars of health for the nervous system and pain
  • Chronic pain information that most physicians don’t understand
  • What nudging with pain means

Links of interest: 703-859-3415