This plagues so many active people; hamstrings that just don’t quit
This plagues so many active people; hamstrings that just don’t quit. They carry a sensation of tightness most of their day or tightness that pops up days after a rigorous workout.. While this may be normal, it’s not productive for your workouts.
One of the most common observations that people have about their active body is that their hamstrings are ‘tight’. This is usually followed by some type of comment expressing disappointment in their ‘lack of stretching’ to resolve their tight hamstrings.
Here’s what is going on in my head: if your stretching actually worked, you would be doing it.” That’s the plainest, most vanilla explanation for a lack of exercise adherence - but it’s true in most situations. If you are motivated enough to learn more about your body through this podcast then if the exercises or stretches helped you’d be doing them.
This podcast episode will leave you scratching your head about why your hamstrings have been fighting you. The discussion is centered around the 5 possibilities for your tight muscle sensations, and why they probably aren’t responding to stretching. And that’s because the only way these types of issues truly resolve is when the problem is reverse engineered. So let’s get after it!
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- 5 possibilities that can be underlying tight hamstrings
- Mindfully adjusting around muscle tightness is a skill
- Why tight hamstrings usually don’t respond to stretching
- 3 ways to test your hamstring flexibility to begin the process of reverse engineering your recurring tightness
Links of interest:
Download our hamstring guide that includes videos and exercises
“Jenn doesn’t stretch” podcast episode
Movement Pathways- the course that will change your exercise