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Rachel Garmon

Jenn is hosting her weightlifting coach Rachel for a talk on building trust and confidence with the body through weightlifting. This is packed full of vision, reflection, humility and commitment.

Jun 20, 2018

Jenn is hosting her weightlifting coach Rachel for a talk on building trust and confidence with the body through weightlifting.  This is packed full of vision, reflection, humility and commitment.

Weightlifting in this sense is Olympic Lifting.  The conversation is about empowerment of a strong physical body and the fat losses being a secondary benefit.

Jenn and Rachel discuss this and much more about their journeys to strong.

Part 1

0-Jenn's long intro and reflection

6:15 Rachel's intro and weightlifting

7:45 Our way to zen

Part 2

10:20 Fuel the fire of trust, weightlifting builds courage and patience.  It's therapeutic properties.

16:13 Rachel discusses her experience with endometriosis, hypothyroidism and exercise

20:10 Listening to your body is important! Takeaway tips

22:30 Addiction and exercise to seeing the light of body empowerment

Part 3

24:00 Managing a lifting mindset while dealing with chronic issues

25:13 Nervous system and menstrual cycle role in mindset and mindfulness

26:58 Thoughts on assessing before exercise

30:56 Method for trusting and testing the mind body connection

Referencing integrative health journal that supports exercise and diet for endometriosis and estrogen based issues

35:30 Brain's influence on exercise


41:00 Pain and movement, learning to trust is so important!!!

42:30 Correction The Pain Handbook, correct name Explaining Pain

44:04 DIMS and SIMS

Other resources:

Find Rachel on Instagram

Pain and the brain, short video on DIMS

Read more on Jenn’s blog about pain and movement