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All Exercise Exists on a Continuum

Can you imagine having your own exercise guidebook with notes tailored for your body? In this episode of Lab of You, we’ll show you how to get started writing your book or how to improve what you already have.

Jun 6, 2018

Can you imagine having your own exercise guidebook with notes tailored for your body? In this episode of Lab of You, we’ll show you how to get started writing your book or how to improve what you already have. Fitness beginners and experienced lifters alike will benefit from this new way of thinking about exercise.

The first step of this process is thinking of exercise as a challenge to the body, and as we control the variables better, the outcome becomes more predictable. Then, you can start gaining clarity of your exercise choices. Instead of listening to generic and overrated advice, you can start navigating on a higher level, understanding the risks and benefits of different types of exercise. Just like an investment portfolio, knowing which exercise is worth the risk and which brings the most benefit can pay off big dividends.

Overall, our main idea for this LOY is that all exercises exist on a continuum. This concept comes from Tom Purvis, owner of the Resistance Training Specialist, whose classes changed my view on exercise and helped me become an extremely versatile trainer.

Exercise choices can be overwhelming, and as with anything in life, the best path in your intelligent fitness journey involves falling in love with the process. Clear your mind of what you think you know about exercise to adopt a fresh perspective!

As you listen, keep an ear out for these highlights throughout the Podcast:

2:30 Vision for 'Lab of You'- Making strength our number 1 personal asset

4:24  Click to join the newsletter!

5:44 Navigating the medical system for feeling well and healthy is a difficult task!

7:20 A new clean way to think of exercise!

9:58 Which exercise do you participate in most in a 10 day period?

12:00 Sports and health are not synonymous.

22:10 Positional strength training- the type of exercise that can help athletes and therapy patients alike.

Questions? Find me on facebook!

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