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Muscle Imbalances Unraveled: Why Stretching Doesn't Work part 2

Muscle Imbalances Unraveled: Why Stretching Doesn't Work part 2

Explore the confinements of stretching in resolving muscle imbalances.  In this episode of the Impact Your Fitness podcast, host Jennifer Schwartz discusses the topic of muscle tightness and how it affects the body. She emphasizes the importance of addressing muscle imbalances and understanding the body's protective mechanisms. She provides actionable tips for listeners, including focusing on neutral and objective movement, targeted strength training, and emotional management. Jennifer also talks about emotional processing and how it is essential for overall well-being.

Topics discussed:

  • Muscle tightness and imbalances
  • Case study of a quadricep tightness
  • Addressing neuromuscular communication
  • Learning to listen to our body
  • Increasing muscle tolerance with strength training
  • Tracking the body's recovery

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Other podcast shows and resources to consider if you like this episode:


Why Stretching Doesn't Work part 1

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Biofield Tuning for emotional management