Your Own Sweat Science

by Jennifer Schwartz
How many times are we going to listen to fitness experts having a conversation about cardio exercise being ‘good’ or ‘bad’?
Exercise is so nuanced that we really can’t take the assumption that there is only one way to hack your system for healthy living.
Culturally we tend to look to Hollywood to shape our ideas about beauty, shape, skin color, and fitness. Sure, I click on Jessica Biel’s workout posts on Instagram but letting that sink into my decision-making information for my own workouts is not occurring.
Yes, I enjoy exercise and I'm hellbent on helping others find similar joy in their exercise, but I really have a hard time doing that when so much of my client base and some of my audience is focused on old models of what it means to engage in exercise. There is another level with your name on it. We need to look at different ideas, different teachings to reach this attunement that I’m calling in for us.
This is where the TFBF podcast network comes in, your fitness is about your body, your anatomy, your physiology, not how many jumps your favorite workout celebrity with fantastic genetic disposition is doing. Be a disruptor of this pop fitness….
Be a disruptor of overpacked, noisy workout culture that leaves you feeling disconnected and empty…
Of templates, of blindly trusting experts just because they’re super muscular….
I want to show you a new way.
Below is a collection of podcast episodes that are designed to lift you up into the realm of choosing and customizing your exercise experience. This short list is particularly focused on cardiovascular fitness and ‘being open’ to new beliefs on how to get an appropriate sweat FOR YOU.
The suggested podcast episodes to re-examining your sweat science:
A Run For The Money is a great episode that challenges the chatter around treadmill science. A lot of misleading discourse is thrown around the internet, so this conversation dares to look at it from all angles. If you are a dedicated runner or just curious if outdoor running is the same as treadmill running, this episode is for you.

For a more lighthearted discussion, lean towards Unconventional Cardio Exercise to brush up on some new ways to integrate this type of exercise into your routine.

Lessons From A Fitness Icon is a conversation that touches on some popular group fitness trends.
Keli Roberts speaks the well-needed truth in reference to fitness classes that overemphasize methods that don't work for EVERYBODY. She shines a light on the popularity of HIIT, Tabata, and other cult classics that ultimately are tests of obedience and stress endurance.

Truly, it’s not about blasting fat anymore, No More Fat Phobia is a big call-out and scientific review on our society’s view of body fat. There are all types of healthy metabolic make-ups in humans, and it’s not a size or a thigh gap that defines this.

To really dial in a new mindset, check out Valuable Lessons in 3 Years of Fitness Podcasting where I discuss bias and some emotions that affect our perception about moving. This is a calling to examine what was and what should be, a real challenge to your belief systems and then finding a way to being secure in your self improvement

Off the podcast stream and into your personal fitness space:
My newest course, Be Your Own Exercise Guru will put you back in the driver’s seat during your workouts. Learn the anatomy of an exercise so you can tailor your fitness to YOU. If you are struggling with injuries and pain, especially connecting your fitness program to your unique needs, this course is for you.

We should ask ourselves, whose feedback is more important? Our own? Or someone on instagram with muscles and a large following? There are many informational pathways to go down, and I’ve provided a couple solid podcast episodes to get started with. Stay tuned for more releases on the Think Fit Be Fit podcast, a reliable source for disrupting exercise conversations with science and tools for your toolbox.